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If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

Isaac Newton

How can we help you?

For mentors:
How can I mentor someone effectively?

For mentees:
What do I need to do to make the most of mentoring?

For managers:
How can I strengthen mentoring in my team?

For leaders:
How can I set up a robust mentoring programme in my organisation?

Professional development:
What are the competencies of a good mentor?

Online training:
How can I get training in mentoring?

Welcome to Mentoring Matters, a community of learners who seek to support the development of robust mentoring initiatives that enable sustainable development in intercultural contexts.

Mentoring is one of the most effective staff development tools. It is personal, relevant, relational and flexible. Mentoring is especially beneficial in multicultural organisations where investing in the professional development
of every staff member – regardless of age, gender, race or language –
is of the utmost importance.

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A good mentor is a great gift. During my first term on the field I experienced what it is like to take up a new assignment in a remote, cross-cultural work situation without a mentor. It was stressful, difficult and discouraging. Recently, I have had the privilege to be mentored by experienced people who believedContinue reading “Eszter”


Having had a mentor who is experienced in my domain helped me understand what my job is really about. After years of being with my organisation, I now act as a mentor to others. I believe in mentoring because it is one of the cheapest and most effective ways of investing in the development ofContinue reading “Apolinaire”


Mentoring should always be seen as a two-way street. I have worked with many people who had skills and gifts I lacked. Though I could be helpful in their development, I needed to also learn from them. Everyone, whatever the role, gains experience over time, and there are always those to whom that experience shouldContinue reading “Frank”


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